If you’ve been struggling with back pain, a stiff neck, or muscle aches recently, you might be wondering if it’s safe to schedule a massage during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As long as you prepare accordingly and choose the right spa, the answer is yes! For instance, at Alabama Vein & Restoration Medspa, you can enjoy a relaxing atmosphere while trusting that you’re in a safe, clean environment. These resources are packed with answers to all of your questions about getting a massage during the pandemic.
Q1. What can I do to avoid spreading or contracting COVID-19 while getting a massage?
A1. Follow these basic safety tips to keep yourself and your masseuse safe.
- Monitor yourself for symptoms of COVID-19 to make sure you’re not infected.
- If you suspect that you may have the virus, get tested prior to your massage and postpone your date if your results are positive.
- Make sure your spa is following proper hygiene protocols before booking an appointment.
Q2. How can I make sure I’m prepared for my appointment?
A2. From relaxing beforehand to packing a mask, these resources will help you get ready.
- Research the different types of massage therapy so you’ll know what to expect.
- Clear any lingering negative energy from your home to get into the right mindset.
- Don’t forget to pack a mask before you head out the door!
Q3. Is there anything I can do after my massage to get the most out of the process?
A3. By practicing healthy habits, you can enjoy that blissful, post-massage relaxation for days.
- Ease mild muscle soreness by taking it easy and giving yourself downtime.
- Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a healthy snack.
- Check out these guides to stay focused on your health and fitness goals.
It’s natural to have concerns about health and hygiene when you’ll be in close quarters with other people during this pandemic. But as long as you’re prepared to take precautions, you don’t have to postpone your massage plans. With these resources, you’ll feel perfectly comfortable getting a massage!
Alabama Vein & Restoration Medspa offers a variety of massage techniques to suit your needs, whether you have tight and sore muscles, reduced circulation, joint immobility or accumulated stress.
For more life tips and insights visit the author of this post at https://www.wellsheila.net/